A Spoonful of Sugar

Relaxation Has 3 R's

Here they are:

  1. Rest

    This isn’t sitting in front of the TV or playing video games. It’s taking a bath, it’s lying down and listening to soothing music, it’s meditation.

  2. Recreation

    Recreation is something you love to do. It doesn’t have to be physical activity (although that works well too). It could just be spending time working on a hobby or playing a board game.

  3. Relationships

    This is meaningful time spent with friends and loved ones.

  4. Notice how easily these three can be combined (especially the last 2). You could play a board game with your boyfriend or girlfriend you could sing in a choir or play on a sports team…

    Different people like to relax in different ways; we all have our preferences. But we tend to bias our relaxation to favor one or two of these.

    Why not try to set aside some time each day to practice each of the 3 R’s.

headshot of Chris Roberts, Naturopathic Doctor

Chris Roberts is a Naturopathic Doctor with an anxiety-focussed practice in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

To learn more, visit the website
If you want schedule an appointment or set up a free 15 minute consultation,
or call: (416) 792-4400.